Week 14 marks the last week before final presentations. Though good planning and scheduling, week 14 ended up being a fairly workload light week for the team.
Pitch Finalization
The final aspects of pitch finalization were twofold. The first was integrating the changes from softs. This was primarily done by Lochlan, who made and tested adjustments to the pitch script, ensuring that the added content did not put the pitch over the allocated time limit. The second aspect of pitch finalization was slide organization. Harry and Yifan both gave the slides a meticulous comb over, eliminating text and reorganizing images and graphics wherever they could.
At the end of the week, the team met with one last faculty, Mo Mahler, to give the final presentation a once over. In the end, Mo would have wanted to see more artifacts of gameplay and needed more showing the concept as a fun playable experience.
Project Wrap-up
With the goal of the project to be about learning the process of preproduction, one final important deliverable is proof that the team has learned over the course of the semester. As such, the team also spent the week reflecting on past work as well as reorganizing artifacts within the drive. Joy took charge of gathering reflections from the art team, while Justin handled the likewise from the design team. Lochlan then went on to recap the most up to date parts of the design as well as organize the project drive for archival purposes.