Designed Playtest for Saturday
Created pretest survey
- Sent to the ETC students: have a general understanding of users’ expectations about the 3D model generation time.
- Results: Users could patiently wait from 1-10 minutes. They are also open to wait longer than 30 minutes if necessary
Based on pretest survey, design UI prototypes for A/B Test
- Ask playtesters to generate models-
- Six testers will use Prototype A and six testers will use prototype B
- On purposely made the tech demo not working
- Observe testers’ reaction—when will they press exit the generation button. Compare testers’ reactions between Prototype A and Prototype B
- Prototype A: tell users how long they have waited-sunk cost effect
- Prototype B: original tech demo
- Let testers finish the post test survey
- Creating java based GUI prototype to assist on playtest
Survey A:
Survey B:
Quantitative Data Analysis:
Playtest Photo:
Tech Update:
Texture Description Input: A new feature was added that allows users to input texture descriptions, enhancing the detail and realism of the project.
Py4J Integration: Efforts were made to integrate Py4J, a tool for Python and Java interaction, suggesting a need for the functionalities of both languages in the project.
Meshy API Delays: Challenges were faced with long response times from the Meshy API, ranging from 10 to 30 minutes, which could significantly impact the project’s efficiency.