Dev Blog: Week 10

Project Summary

This week we had playtest night at Hunt Library on Tuesday. We also worked on implementing the tutorials as well as make the map view more interactive.

Current Schedule

  • Playtest at Hunt Library
  • Weekly build and test on the bridge
  • Update enemy model
  • Work on the map view interaction
  • Start working on the video trailers
  • Implement updated sound assets

What went well

  • Enemy model and animation updated
  • Hunt Library playtest

Art Update

Enemy Update

Material has been added to fish enemy and also spawning animation.

This is the ice material of the enemy. It will show up after enemy has been hit by the float turret and enemy will slow down.

Book Update

Shield is displayed at the outside of the book to indicate the book is being protected.

Programming Update

Update Tutorial

The tutorial is updated and will indicate the player to tap the turret or rotate. After player did the corresponding movement, the game will continue and the tutorial will show the next part.

Playtest at Hunt Library

We playtest our game in Hunt Library during the playtest night on Tuesday. We re-design the game layout based on the layout of the Hunt Library. We also recorded 3 different VPS points in Hunt Library last week and changed our game to the new VPS points this week for the game to run in Hunt Library. Below is the set design for different levels. We had four playcenters during the night and we got many feedback from the survey forms they provided.

Issues for support
