Dev Blog: Week 14

Project Summary

This week we mainly focus on preparing for the final presentation and wrap up the game. We also hosted playtest to the bridge to see any final adjustments we need to make.

Current Schedule

  • Work on final presentation PPT
  • Playtest with ETC faculty and students on the bridge
  • Film Shared AR photo scene on the bridge for the trailers
  • Work on some minor changes to make the game better

What went well

  • Final PPT
  • Portal VFX in semantic sky
  • Shared AR photo scene

Art Update

UI Update

Turrets icon are added to the photo scene for the player to drag out different types of turret and place them in the scene to take photos.

VFX Update

Portal is added to the semantic sky to show where the enemies are coming from.

Programming Update

Shared AR Photo Scene

We been implementing the shared AR function for the players to place objects in the scene and take photos of each other. We think this is a really fun and socially engaging part of our game. This can give player a relief and reward them after playing 3 levels, especially it’s difficult to win the third level. However, we found the shared AR sometimes not stable, it may due to the VPS is instable.


This week we had 3 playtesters played our game. We playtest on the Hot Metal Bridge. We test out the new shared AR function as well as the narrative on the map. We found out that the playtesting on the bridge have a much butter result compare to indoor in terms of the semantic effects and VPS stability.

Issues for support
