Dev Blog: Week 8

Project Summary

This week we keep working on the game play and we implemented the wave system. We also had the second enemy type which is a fish and also the sky turret.

Current Schedule

  1. Meeting & playtest on the bridge with Carl
  2. Work on enemy wave system
  3. Work on enemy and turret model
  4. Scan the second VPS points on the bridge for the next game

What went well

  • Got valuable advice form Carl
  • Completed the white model of the enemy and turret
  • Completed 3 enemy waves system
  • Win game condition show up on map view

Art Update

Enemy Update

This is the enemy update. The material and animations will be added later.


Turret Update

This is the turret that will be placed on the sky. The inspiration of this turret is the old airplanes. After player placed the turret, it will float in the sky to shoot enemies. The material will be added later.

Map Theme

This is the turret that will be placed on the sky. The inspiration of this turret is the old airplanes. After player placed the turret, it will float in the sky to shoot enemies. The material will be added later.

Programming Update

Wave System

We added a wave system to the game. Currently there are 3 waves of enemy and the spawning rate, enemy numbers, enemy moving rate and other factors are different across those waves. This is to start the game easy and then gradually increase the intensity and level of difficulty of the game.

Map View Win Game

We implemented the logic that game condition shows up on map view. Before playing both level, enemy surrounds the play point and after winning each game the enemy disappears. Also player can not click and enter the second level of the game until they win the first level. The current visuals are place holders and will be replaced by other assets later.

Before playing both levels
After winning first level
After winning both levels


Playtest with Carl

We playtested with Carl on Match 14 and got many valuable feedback we will iterate the game on.

Issues for support
