Dev Blog: Week 9

Project Summary

This week we had our meeting with our project’s consultant Tom. And we continue to implement and refine the game. We also started to prepare for playtest night at Hunt Library next Tuesday.

Current Schedule

  • Work on UI indicator of where the enemies are coming from
  • Add enemy animation
  • Work on fish appear VFX
  • Add turret materials and icon
  • Add third level of the game
  • Rescan Hunt Library VPS mesh and record playback

What went well

  • Enemy animation
  • Turret materials
  • Semantic sky change base on the enemy waves

Art Update

Spawn Animation

Enemy Update

Three different stages of enemy animation has been made and implemented in the game. Spawn animation is played when enemy initially appeared; attack animation is played when enemy is attacking the turrets or book and rest of the time is idle animation.

Attack Animation
Idle Animation
Fence Turret
Sky Turret

Turret Update

Materials has been added for the fence and sky turrets.

Turret Icon Update

This is what the turret icons looks like before player place the turrets on.

Programming Update

Fence Turret
Sky Turret

Change Semantic Sky Color

The sky color is changed based on each wave of enemy. Changing the sky color uses the semantic feature of Niantic Lightship.

Issues for support
