
Final Trailer (updated 04/30/24)
Final Playthrough (updated 04/30/24)

Previous demo at the half point

1. Walk to the bridge (Map view)
2. Scan the bridge (Camera view)
3. Defense game starts. Undeads come for the Book.
4. Tap to place different turrets on each terrain. Turrets auto attack undeads.
(updated 02/26/24)

For more details, check out our Presentation Deck (updated 04/30/24)

The design is to have different types of enemy and different types of turrets.

Hunt Library

We playtested in the Hunt Library on Tuesday night Playtest Day.

Hot Metal Bridge

We build the project every week and playtest it on the Hot Metal Bridge every Monday.

Entertainment Technology Center

We playtested with 20+ naive guests at Entertainment Technology Center.