Week 11

(11/13 ~ 11/17)

Since Soft Opening is coming up, our priority for this week is to make a summary version of the game that contains all the previous features we made and make a build in Unreal.

Since the feedback from the playtest day indicate that we need to find a way to handle the influence on enemy state caused by player’s attack. Because we can’t, and don’t want to, control the timing of the player’s input, we us the player-enemy interaction to control the player’s behavior indirectly.

Based on our previous plan, we implemented two kinds of new enemy behaviors that involves player interaction: 1. player can now automatically perform a powerful counterattack if he/she successfully parry the enemy’s jump attack; 2. the execution move is now fully implemented, and the pulling sword action of the player will always be delayed to match the next coming beat.

Video demos showing the two new features with everything we have finished:

Here is a video demo of the situation when player attack regularly in a normal playthrough:

Next week is going to be a short week due to Thanksgiving break, so we will have to wrap up our work by next Monday. We will decide what to improve later on base on Soft feedback.