Week 9

(10/30 ~ 11/03)

For this week, one of the major progress we made was that we found the cause and successfully solved the BUG that causes the MIDI signal to not sync up with the music.

The way we made sure enemy attack is hitting the player exactly on the beat was that, we add a pre-delay to the MIDI signal (in the MIDI file) base on the animation time before when the attack hit the player.

In the tool we made to automate this step, we used a Excel file to store all this information. As shown in the graph below, column A listed all the enemy skill ID pitch and column B listed the corresponding time before the hit point of the animation.

As we can see, the unit of time in the Excel file is second, and that is the cause of the problem: MIDI signals also stores time information about when a note start and end, but the information is stored in ticks. Ticks are time unit that related to tempo of the music. In our case, the tempo is 90 beats per minute, each beat is 667ms long in time, and it is stored as 480 ticks in the MIDI file. But when we added offsets to through the program, the time we added is in milliseconds, which ultimately cause the issue of out of sync.

Playtest day is scheduled on Saturday 11/04, and the team decide to do a update of in order to prepare for that day. The team put effort on replacing old audio assets with new ones. The team decide to change the style of the music and we picked the soundtracks of the latest God of War game as references.

Here is a sample video of the current background music:

Next week, we want to move on and implement new features and maybe also make change to some features base on the feedback we get from playtest day.