Week 6 – February 25th, 2022
Important Tech Demo completed for 1/2 presentation #1 Passthrough Camera & Door #2Multiplayer
Important Tech Demo completed for 1/2 presentation #1 Passthrough Camera & Door #2Multiplayer
Things decided to do before 1/2: #1: Demo of Passthrough Camera with a wall that separates two different worlds. #2: Multiplayer in a Big Room. (RPIS 30*30) ———————————————————————————————— Powerpoint for the client meeting(includes tech demos and two design concepts):
We developed 2 design docs, 2 tech demos in week 4. We decided to make multiple design demos while the programmers are exploring the hardware. Space Crew One Page Design Doc. Big Gym One Page Design Doc. QR Code Tech Demo: Wall Detection Tech Demo: Notes: Summary of Client Meeting Read more…
Week 3 is our 1/4 walkarounds. 1/4 Presentation Summary: Scott Stevens Pupil – past project that had a camera, AR Think about testing for different room scales to ensure portability ALPS Shirley Lee/Tom Corbett Photogrammetry is a good idea, sci fi theming lends itself to holographic appearance Polycam iphone app Read more…
In Week 2, We: Meeting summary with Instructors : Our unified idea of MR Escape Room –> existed, too long, can be imaged. Need to come up with more ideas. It could be a “challenge” or a “puzzle” Meeting summary with David from HCI: We discussed a new method of Read more…
In Week 1, we brainstormed & looked for references that are related to our project. Reference & Inspiration List Hardware Testing Leap Motion with Vive Tracker –> Leap Motion & Vive Tracker Pegasus Fly Through –> Hardware (SoReal Omnidirectional VR chair) haptics for walls & heavy objects in virtual reality Read more…