Week 3 is our 1/4 walkarounds.
1/4 Presentation Summary:
Scott Stevens
- Pupil – past project that had a camera, AR
- Think about testing for different room scales to ensure portability
Shirley Lee/Tom Corbett
- Photogrammetry is a good idea, sci fi theming lends itself to holographic appearance
- Polycam iphone app on the latest iphone is good for capturing models from real world quickly
- We can get assets from the store if we need to, we have budget
Ralph, Drew, Carl Rosendahl
- Ralph – Do we have a better MoCap suit?
- Brenda – would like to see a chart basically describing individual capabilities of platform
- Carl – NextAR project, similar, collab multiplayer
- Drew – Occlusion would be helpful
IT Client
- This will need to scale if it is supposed to do what we want. We want to use the whole 30 x 30 but that won’t always be available
- Steve’s idea, starting in VR room, walking out of VR room into Passthrougn view, looking back to see the VR room
- Space Pirate Trainer – a good example of local 2 player VR game, should see how they do multiplayer [hoping for clever heuristics]
- The Quest 3 pass through camera will probably be in color
Dave Culyba, Chris Klug, Mo
- BVW lense
- “How could this fail?” – Dave, as something to test against. Short term milestone.
- Klug – what kind of BVW assignment would this be good for? Value to class?
- Mo, the examples we gave were all VR, but we want it to be AR. The passthrough camera kind of does both. Mo wants to classify as AR or VR.
- Framing like a BVW Assignment, would dictate the constraints/parameters of what it can be used for.
Ruth, Ricardo, Mike Christel
- Mike – we could plan a game jam with the platform before the week before finals. Could talk with the faculty about pooling cash for a prize to incentivize the other teams.
- Ruth – don’t worry about a full scale game, but make a couple demos showing different capabilities of the platform.
- The deliverable is the hardware, don’t worry about the chicken and egg problem.
- Mike – the fewer headsets the fewer resources consumed from the department, if it were asymmetrical. This accounts for throughput
- Ruth – Safety factors. Documentation of limits for safety reasons.
Post, John
- Challengers and allies among the faculty
- Scalability of the room size will be important.
- Distance/Acoustics of players speaking with one another, also a factor.
- Theming should take a back seat to open it up for others to imagine. We will be proving the capabilities more than anything
- Focus on “trailers” like for movies
- Thinking about further reaching possibilities beyond BVW
BigMR Client Team meeting
As a client, Steve wants to see a half room in VR and half room in person. Steve wants to see if it can be done.
Ricardo – Brenda’s comment. Wants to see the constraints and boundaries of what can be done.
Gold Spike, MvP
Tiers of development, short milestones
If you can track objects, trying to track a cute, primitive geometry. Can I hold a cube in MR/(physical space) and then walk it into a VR “room” and watch it transition into a VR cube/VR object.
Time machine development
Bryan “experience on demand” – body metrics, and recording info, correlating data.
How close can we get to literally repainting reality = moon shot of this project
Startign with a capabilities chart, what is available that can get us close to that?
Ricardo, list of capabilities, next to a list of what people WANT to do in a space this size, where can this come together. What types of things do people want to do in this space? What expectations do people have? How do we augment those desires?
Button activated guardian/passthrough. There is probably an in VR
Ricardo, project Impression, local networked headsets
Echo Arena
2 or more people in the same room working on a canvas in VR
Takeaways, tasks for next week:
- Gold spike, a cube in a room
- Testing kinects with anchoring the room.
We are also struggling against the preconceived notions of the future/sci fi
How do we get people to accept the limitations of system?
What is the tech capable of? What do people WANT TO DO with it? How do we reconcile the two?
What would be best for a new BVW student?
Alyssa, Dr. Strange, something like a cup game in MR, really mixing in mixed reality