We developed 2 design docs, 2 tech demos in week 4.
We decided to make multiple design demos while the programmers are exploring the hardware.
Space Crew One Page Design Doc.

Big Gym One Page Design Doc.
QR Code Tech Demo:
Wall Detection Tech Demo:
Summary of Client Meeting
Client is pleased with progress on the hardware and example videos shown
We showed the client QR code with OpenCV tracking, still plan to test ALPS and Airtags for tracking.
Client would like to reach through the wall and still see his arm. ‘Reverse Occlusion’?
- Client wants to utilize the tech more; i.e. having different stations/rooms be in VR or not. How can this technology enhance the gym space?
- This just looks like AR.
- This could be used to enhance the mental focus of exercising
- The client wants to gamify/theme this experience, but the designer disagrees. This could be a tech demo to focus/perfect the object tracking aspect of the platform.
Space team
- Use the passthrough camera to simulate different environment, like outside space craft.
- Client liked the theming.
- This theming has the potential to work with the exact features that the client has requested.
Thinking about the theming might help us get around just designing in AR. If we can, balance theming with mechanics.
The demos should be just enough to show the need for the technology.
Design ideas need to use both the physical world and the virtual world.
Client suggested a single room with various demos, like an arcade