Weekly Overview

This week, we dove into hands-on experimentation with various virtual production tools and technologies. Each of us explored different setups, testing their capabilities and documenting the results. The technologies we worked with included:

  • Vive Tracker
  • nDisplay
  • Jetset
  • Mocap Suit

Through these trials, we examined different use cases for each technology, gaining valuable insights. Along the way, we also began compiling documentation to support our ongoing exploration and learning.

Test Video

Vive TrackersViveTrackersTest.mov

Jetset:     Video Output Example: jetsettrial.mp4

                Before & After: LightCraftJetset_test_02.mov LightCraftJetset_test_03.mov

Mo-cap:   Mo-cap in Axis Neuron: IMG_7463.mov

                Broadcast in Unreal: IMG_7501.MOV

                Face Livelink in Unreal: IMG_7504.MOV