Week 4

Based on the comments from last week we started to refine our ideas. We made three detailed pitches and presented them to our advisors and client. We made sure to list all the pros and cons of our three pitches so that our advisors and client can have a clear understanding of the directions we are going.

Pitch 1

Player Goal: 
  • Players need to drive a paper airplane to reach their destination.
  • The player needs to control the direction to avoid obstacles.
  • Players need to attack monsters by shooting.
  • Players can choose different routes.

Core Mechanic:
  • Players control direction by moving left and right cooperatively.

  • The player shoots through the vive controller.

  • At a specific node, players can choose a route by cooperating to control the direction
  • Encourage players to cooperate.
  • Intuitive interaction, easy to understand
  • Utilize the depth of the scene and the capability of the system
  • Players may experience discomfort when moving while looking at the screen.
  • Players may feel limited freedom.
Possible Environments:
  • Forest, fly through trees, dodge the tree, bird.
  • City, building, billboard.

Pitch 2

Player Goal: 
  • Players need to find hidden items and clues in multiple scenes to solve puzzles. 
  • Players will have to solve a series of puzzles. Puzzles can unlock new worlds for the players hence new items and clues.
Core Mechanic:
  • Multi-world view on one screen.
  • Switch between different worlds and puzzles.
  • Cross-worlds interaction.

  • Plentiful possibilities
  • A great number of design opportunities
  • Utilize screen space really well
  • A great amount of design work is needed.
  • Possibility of running into a lot of technical issues.
Possible Environments:
  • Spaces that feature environmental change such as weather, seasons, day and night.

Pitch 3:

Player Goal: 
  • Players are in a vehicle traveling on a planned route. 
  • They have to clear out obstacles on the path to secure their travel and collect resources to use as fuel.
Core Mechanic:
  • Third-person view drone/robot with a fixed distance to the player.
  • Fixed distance is to encourage physical movement in the space

Removing Obstacle

  • Easier to manage the players’ positions.
  • Utilize the depth of the scene and the capability of the system
  • Players might have trouble with the perception of depth on a flat-screen projection
  • Moving closer and away from the screen might make the “parallax swimming” evident to the players
Possible Environments:
  • Underwater; Pushing Aside Seaweed; Fishing; Underwater Mining
  • Space; Destroying Asteroids; Collecting Space Mines and Research Samples