Week 5 Trust the Process -Feb.17, 2023

It’s that time during the development of a project; when you have done a lot of work but not enough to put something in front of people. Initially, we were planning on doing a playtest next Tuesday with students on the main campus. However, the technical hurdles were more difficult than anticipated. We are keeping our head down, trusting the process and trying to get a playable prototype as soon as possible. This week, Angela was able to use data from the Back Exercise video to make the 3d model rig move. It’s far from being perfect, but we were very excited to see it. 

Xiaoying wrote a detailed design document on the whole experience. We want to make sure that the users can enjoy the experience we provide whether they are doing it by themselves or with a group, with or without a camera. Therefore, as a first step, we ask the user to choose whether they want to use a camera to reduce friction later in the experience.