Week 3 Mapping Out the Choreography - Feb. 3, 2023
This week we gathered our thoughts and had our quarters presentation with the ETC faculty. The direction and details for the project have become much clearer after our visit to NYC last week. Our goal for the project is to actively engage with the audience using a fun interactive application that can be used before & after the show. We want to provide educational value by teaching key movements of performed dance(s) & providing historical context.

We received a lot of positive feedback from the faculty. One consistent problem we had was the interpretations of ML. It was very different between different faculty members. In future presentations, we need to make sure it’s clear what type of machine learning we’re using, and set clear boundaries of what we are definitely doing (versus what we’re not). Another concern is our scope and whether we can finish things in time. Our goal for next week is to make sure that the technical side of things would work properly. To make sure that we have enough time, we aim to have a playable prototype by week 6.