Week 4 Test test test! - Feb. 10, 2023
This week we went straight into testing different technical tools to support the foundation of our project. Our goal is to connect the web camera and the deep learning pose estimation for Unity WebGL, create a prototype in unity and build the web application. It has not been an easy process. We had a lot of difficulty trying to connect the web camera and the deep learning post estimation for Unity WebGL. We were worried that this would take too much time and risk our progress. However, our programmers Yiming, Angela, and Jason really worked hard to figure things out. Here is a list of things our programmers tested.

On the art side, we finished our logo, poster, and half-sheet. We also confirmed with our client that our main character will be modeled after Paul Taylor Dancer Eran. For next week, our programmers will work on animating the 3d model rig. Christine will start modeling the character and Xiaoying will finish a detailed design document for the project.