Week 6 Harder Than You Think -Feb. 24, 2023
This week, we continued making progress in art. Christine was able to finish modeling the body. Progress shown below.

We also showed our animation video with the client during our weekly meeting. Carolyn commented that some of the movement looks like human while others don’t. Some of the shapes during the dance are not being completed. The movement is focusing more on the flow rather than form. Angela mentions that this is because she had to smooth out the movement, making some of the key poses less exaggerated. Angela is going to go back to the data and clean it to make the movements better. We also explored using music in the app, potentially by having it done by the musician at Paul Taylor. The team also discussed dancer costumes, settling on a unitard. For the UI, we are switching to the Paul Taylor color schemes to make sure everything looks uniform with the branding. The client also mentioned that they would like to use the app to market the company after it has been developed, hoping people experiencing the app would have a “aha moment” about exploring the dancer’s thoughts, actions, and imagination.
We were very hopeful after seeing the initial results with openPose. However, after getting the first animations from it, we realize that it is more difficult than we thought. The ML model often assigns the wrong limbs. To correct this, the programmers had to smooth things which deduct from the overall movement.