Week 3: 01/27/2025 – 01/31/2025


This week, we presented our initial concept at Quarters, gathered valuable feedback. We refined key aspects of our experience, including character selection and environment effects. Based on the feedback, we are preparing to start playtesting, finalize prop sourcing, and assess technical feasibility in the coming weeks.

Quarters Presentation

On Wednesday, we presented our interactive Titanic the Musical lobby experience to faculty for feedback.

Key takeaways included:

  • Considering audience movement during intermission and its impact on ground gobo effects (potential use of a fog machine to enhance atmosphere).
  • Addressing ambient noise levels that might interfere with audio elements—early playtesting with directional speakers is essential.
  • Beginning prop sourcing and fabrication as soon as possible.
  • Refining our interactive postcard activity, as engagement levels are currently low.


We again discussed character selection with our client. They initially preferred real historical figures who were not in the musical, but concerns arose about distracting the audience. After further team discussion and getting client approval, we decided to use the main characters will make both the exhibit and the musical stronger.

Next Steps

  • Finalize prop list based on the final character selection
  • Explore interactive activity improvements
  • Plan the sequencing of luggage stations and develop Arduino schematics
  • Start playtesting: directional audio in a noisy environment, luggage station interaction…