This week, we were spending our time improving the experience and preparing for the final presentation. Moreover, we got the feedback from clients about the playtest result.
Things we’ve done:
- Added the rainbow to the last stage;
- Fixed the pond issue in the last stage;
- Let the skybox change color from redish to blueish when users fly across the river;
- Fixed the mom eagle landing on the ground animation;
- Fixed the mom eagle during the ending animation;
- Improved the “catching fish” voiceover instruction.
We decided to add the rainbow to the last scene, since it will make the ending looks very positive and happy. And it will only appear when players fly across the river, because we want that rainbow to be a symbol of success and hope.
And, as players flying from the old habitat to the new one, they will see the color of the skybox and fogs are gradually changing from red to blue.
Also, during the playtest, we found out that the small pond sometimes looks like a square. We fixed the landscape a bit and adjusted the water’s position to solve that problem.
After playtesting for multiple times, we realized 2 problems with the eagle animation.
The first one was, while players are catching fish, the mom eagle will keep flying and landing on the ground. And the second was, while players got to the end, right before the ending video starts, all the eagle friends in the sky will change to the idle animation.
(we did not record these issues and it’s solved right now).
This is the part that we were always revising based on feedback. One of the most difficult parts for us is always the “catching fish” mini-game.
We thought UI was clear enough to show the trigger buttons and tell the players to pull them together at the same time, but it turned out that some of the naive guests did not know to pull the both triggers at the same time. Therefore, after revising the UI for multiple times, we decided to change the voice over one more time.
This is our final voiceover script for solving this problem:
“Use your eagle eyes to select the fish; pull both triggers to dive and catch. Your goal is to catch three fish today.”
Experience walkthrough video