We got our team photo ready!!
Environment Art
This week, we are focusing on keep builiding the terrain, water and trees based on the art style we decided last week.
Caiyu used SpeedTree to create the tree model that will serve as the “big tall tree” in our storyboard.
Minghao finished the first terrain draft, with water, sample trees, grasses, skybox, and several terrain textures ready. But when we put the tree model that Caiyu made into the scene, the color is a little too white, so we are using the sample trees we found online for now.
We also played around with the LOD of the tree’s leaves.
Character art
Kimi is still finalizing the eagle model. Esther found a size reference for her to adjust the model. The details of the ealge are in a good shape.
Gameplay Programming
Howard finished the catching fish function. When player look at the target (fish), it will turn red.
Also, all the team members tried “flying” in the Quest 3 headset. It worked well for all of us as we all don’t have motion sickness. This is the recording of the whole environment in the VR headset.
The next step:
We listed the To-Do-List for the next week. We set most of the ddl to Thursday, which is the day before the client meeting.