Week 8

This week the team finalized a narrative for the game while also optimizing the scope of the main level based on the time left and was able to start working on tutorials for different controls. 

Narrative and Game Design - Update

Tutorial Level: Bucky is in a practice area practicing the tricks

  • Gameplay: Learn the mechanics
    • Step 1: Learn movement and camera control with joysticks
    • Step 2: Learn boost
    • Step 3: Learn basic tricks
    • Step 4: Learn special moves
      • Frontflip/Backflip move in air -> Can move in air
      • Double jump move -> Send player higher -> Allows combo tricks
Main Level: Bucky needs to collect props around the community to bring to the big pogo performance on the tallest point of the map
  • Gameplay:  Collection based
    • Step 1: Collect coins -> Unlock and collect performance props (4 in total)
    • Step 2: Get to the tallest point for the performance
    • Step 3: Do a set of tricks for the performance
  • Level: about 1.5 – 2 times the size of tutorial level
Ending: After the performance, Bucky needs to race home before curfew hours
  • Gameplay: Timed event to get to finish point

Level Design - Update

We have a blockout for the main level which showcases the size and layout in comparison to the tutorial level.

Gameplay - Update

We added a double jump ability this week which lets the player jump ridiculously high which would allow them to perform combo tricks.

We added a combo trick that the player can do after they do a Double Jump by pressing a button multiple times.

UI Design - Update

We created UI assets for the collectible props that we decided for the gameplay and changed the rocket boost we had earlier to a Double Jump icon which fills up to indicate if the player can use the Double Jump ability. We also started creating tutorial prompts for letting the player know how to use the controls.

Tech Art - Update

  • We have a new skybox that utilizes new material for volumetric could to make it more stylized.
  • We have new neon lights which are created by increasing brightness the material + adding bloom in post processing. 
  • We also removed the flashing effect that was previously happening in the neon lights.
  • We started to find ways to debug the camera clipping happening with the player character by trying to fix the collisions and spring-arm of the camera.
Updated Lights
Camera Clipping

Next Steps:

  • Main-level progress
  • Collection gameplay programming
  • Combo animation gameplay programming
  • Integration of UI and tutorial prompts
  • Add in many many tricks!