🤗 Team 🤗

Angela Zhang
Angela is a second-year ETC student with an undergraduate background in Computer Science & Game Design at CMU.

Constanza Tong
Producer/UIUX Designer/Artist
Constanza is a product designer who turns friction into opportunity & meaningful act.
She keeps her eyes sharp on behaviors and the motivating of behaviors; She keeps her hands busy on solutions and the making of solutions.

Ruizi Wang
UIUX Designer/Artist
Ruizi is a multidisciplinary designer mainly focusing on UI/UX Design, AR/VR, and 2D/3D art. She’s interested in merging art and design with emerging technologies. She enjoy enhancing users’ experiences with creative and innovative ideas. Her designs often reflect her vision of the future and how technology will affect people in living, learning, and playing.

Yuan Tan
Game Designer/Programmer/Sound
Yuan is a Game Designer with previous experience in Chinese game industry. He focus on Gameplay & Economy & Activity Design.
✌ Instructor ✌

Michael Christel
🤝 Client 🤝

Michael Tarr
Department of Psychology

Timothy Verstynen
Department of Psychology