Week 6 – February 21, 2025

Technical Progress

The green screen room layout was rearranged, adding two monitors and light panels to enhance the environment. The temporary miniature setup was adjusted to create a stronger sense of depth, and lighting tones for both physical and virtual scenes were modified to achieve natural aesthetics.

We tested the effect of using a projector as one of the light sources.

Also, we seeked faculty help to give us advices on lighting.

Below is a temporary physical and virtual lighting effect on the scene.

Art Progress

A tileable floor texture was successfully created to add variety to the architecture.

Initial challenges with 3D printing, such as auto-feed malfunctions and UV light leaks, were resolved with guidance from the Elegoo Discord community. Luckily, we received the purchased miniature pieces. Below is a demo of it without paint.


We recorded a mid-project demonstration video with the team.