Week 9: Slow Pick Up

“Week 9: Mapping the Game Journey”

Some New Art

The Artists focused on texturing quite a lot this week. A big focus was to get the environment feeling more lived in.

One of our artists was also focused on creating photos to place around the apartment.

Day 1: Introducing the Relationships

Living Room

The first day focuses on acquainting players with Bernie’s key relationships and their importance. The player is packing up the living room the first day.

  • Players explore Bernie’s apartment, discovering items tied to Peggy, Sammy, and Sukhvinder, each representing a facet of the neighborhood.

Day 2: Exploring the Loss


The second day delves into how gentrification eroded Bernie’s relationships and the spaces they represented. The player is packing up the kitchen.

  • Players learn of how the community garden, Sammy’s Corner and Sukhvinder have left the space of Lawrencefield.

Day 3: Understanding the Change


The final day highlights the forces behind the neighborhood’s transformation. The player is packing up the bedroom.

  • Players uncover how capitalistic pressures led to the loss of culture and identity in Lawrencefield.

Notable Design Interactions

Few big ways we were communicating information was:

  • Phone calls with uncle Bernie
  • Flyers from Businesses
  • Old and new letters between Bernie and other characters
  • Object Interactions and packing
  • Daily Newspaper

Goal for Playtest Day

From this point on, our focus shifted to being content complete by Playtest Day on Nov 9th. We prioritized integrating the full story to test whether our game design decisions effectively supported the narrative and delivered the intended transformational impact.