On Wednesday, we completed the basic game flow based on the design from last week, including boarding on the train, picking up mushrooms at a stop, and avoiding obstacles while moving.
Tasks after Wednesday& before Friday (ranked by priority) :
- Implement two animation clips (Candice)
- New terrain including 3 island: bamboo, flower, and the missing railroad island (Alex)
- Place the mushrooms (Lydia)
- See the truck head when moving; disappear when not (Mike)
- Voiceover for the opening & the first stop (Mike)
- Reward mushroom on the railroad by Friday (Mike)
- Draw a background for the scoreboard (Cici)
- Scoreboard at the end of the game(Lydia)
On Saturday, we cleared all the tasks above and did the playtesting with 6 groups of people, from 8 years old kis to adults. We got tons of useful feedback, and we will solve the problem before the soft-opening.

Here are some of the moments we captured during the playtest.