For this week, we summarized our playtest feedback and further improved our game experience.
Tasks we did during this week (screenshot on JIRA):
We adjusted the obstacles’ position because
- We realized the problem that the previous positions of the obstacles are not at the players’ eye levels, therefore a lot of people didn’t think the need to move their body to avoid them.
- The previous obstacles are stones, and some of the players didn’t think that they are “harmful” enough.
So we tested placing the obstacles on different height and removed the stones that caused confusion.
Here’s the experience after we adjusting the positions of both the rewards and obstacles.
We also implemented the last level – find the hidden key to open the door (door model making in progress..)
For this level, players already have the previous knowledge knowing they need to stand up and explore around, and we also encouraged them to move by adding voiceover. It worked fine for most of the people.
The task for next week is to add a glowing mushroom hiding behind a rock, and let the players to learn how to walk around an object to find out the hidden gem from different perspectives.
On friday, we finished adding a diving bird as an obstacle. We will add this element into the scene and playtest during the following week. For the model of the bird, see the art section.
We wanted to polish the environment a bit more, so we added a bird as an obstacle, made a new tree model, ann painted some daisies on the ground as an ornament.
Also, the reward mushroom with the new glowing material is added. Could and light (particle system) added. And the modeling and texuring of the puzzel for the final level is finished