Tasks for this week:
- Polish the environment: cloud adjustment, models & env for the last stop, skybox, water texture…
- We found out that it is hard for the players who does not have lots of experiences either intensively playing games or trying games in the Caver/CAVE system to find out the mushroom in the beginning level, even with the help of the voiceover saying “welcome to the shroom hats pick-up contest. Please stand up and walk near the mushrooms to pick them up”. Therefore, we decided to add butterflies flying around the mushrooms as the visual guidance.
- We removed the fog/cloud that were blocking the view in the tunnel and added more props on the last island.
- Mushroom positions testing for stop 1 & 2.
- Voiceover revise: make it clearer for the naive guest.
- Implement mushroom spawn & disappear for stop 2 before Thursday.
- Add VFX to the mushroom spawn & disappear.
- Replace the stone obstacles with birds: add spline for them to move.
- Fix the head tracker orbit problem: the double images wasn’t right so that some parts of the game was not 3D enough.
This is the video we recorded on Monday of Week 13 of we playtesting with our faculty, Heather.
It showcases all the art & tech improvements.
Here are the screenshots of the art assets we created for the last stop: