Team ImmerX received many useful feedback and ideas from the ΒΌ presentation & discussion. We also met as a team to decide our action items, focus of the weeks, setting up checkpoints and goals.
- What are the cool points?
- What is the hook? foreshadowing
- Specific room? General? (any general room > specific room)
- The magic moment
- Player Avatar
- Perspective: who is the player?
- Perspective: who is the player?
References and resources

- Sprint#1: Building up the environment
- Player walks to the window
- fish bone breaks the window, getting inside the room
- giant mysterious creature-like shadow moving
- some spider (s) moves toward the player, and runs away once it gets too close to the player
Next Steps:
- Find The magical moment
- Brings the virtual part to the real environment
- How to evaluate the success
- playtests and feedback: emotion wheel