Week 1 Starting

At the start of the semester, our team gathered in the project room to discuss plans for the months ahead. We began by sharing our individual career goals and what we each hoped to learn and achieve during this semester. Following that, we defined our project roles and finalized key project details for faculty and the IT department to review.

We also kicked off our first meeting with our assigned instructor, Brenda Harger, where we had a general discussion about our project’s direction and goals.

Instructor Meeting Notes: Week of Jan 16

This week, our focus was on setting priorities and laying the groundwork for Echoes:

  • Prioritizing Game Elements: Defined the importance of music, story, and puzzles in the overall gameplay experience.
  • Playtesting Plans: Began preparations for paper prototype and gold spike testing; contacted John Balash for support.
  • Music Resource Assistance: Reached out to the Pitt Library Department and Jonathan Walton for music resources.
  • Schedule Planning: Outlined plans for quarters and halves presentations, including full schedules and individual process grading.
  • Instructor Meetings: Established regular instructor meetings every Friday from 12:15 to 1:15 PM.

Key Date: Aim for Week 4 Friday (Feb 7) for a playtest starting at 1:30 PM.