Week 3 – 2/3/2023

We started off Week 3 of the Spring 2023 semester by fleshing out our ideas from Week 2 in preparation for our client meeting later this week. After our client meeting, we were able to narrow down our ideas, focusing on the three ideas that our client particularly enjoyed. Armed with that information, we prepared for the ¼ walkarounds happening on Friday, February 3rd. 

Developing & Choosing Ideas

Taking the seven ideas that we had generated in Week 2, we fleshed each of them out with more detail. As a reminder, our seven ideas were:

  1. Interactive Theater
  2. Mission Control
  3. Projection + Pressure Sensors
  4. AR Moon Colony 
  5. Moon Globe
  6. Payload Packing
  7. AR Lander Construction

On Wednesday, February 1st, we had a meeting with our client, Mike Hennessy from the Moonshot Museum. We presented the seven ideas to Mike. For each idea, we included information about the general experience, the expected throughput, and potential technology as well as possible pros and cons. 

In general, Mike was enthusiastic about our ideas. However, he identified three ideas that he was particularly interested in developing further. These ideas were:

  • Mission Control
  • Payload Packing 
  • AR Moon Colony 

Our team will take these three ideas and continue to develop them in the coming weeks. 

¼ Walkaround

Our team also had to prepare for the ¼ walkaround on Friday of Week 3. For ¼ walkaround, our team had 15 minutes to present our project to groups of ETC faculty and receive their feedback. Taking into consideration the short time available, we limited the amount of time we spent explaining our project and ideas in order to maximize the amount of time we had to receive feedback.

In general, our team received good feedback from the ¼ walkaround. Interesting feedback included:

  • Faculty were generally interested and enthusiastic about our ideas
  • Certain references such as Mission: Space and Space Team were brought up multiple times
  • Scope was a concern with possible solutions include simplifying our tech or narrowing our focus 

Review & Looking Ahead

For Week 3, our team was able to detail and present our ideas to our client and the ETC faculty. We were particularly pleased that both groups, the client and the faculty, seemed enthusiastic about our ideas. We are hopeful that it will benefit us in the future by giving us a solid vision and direction for our project.

On the other hand, scope is becoming increasingly more of a concern for our team. We have an ambitious vision of what our experiences could be like, but a limited amount of time to execute those ideas. As a result, we’ll likely have to figure out how we can reduce our scope for this semester. 

In Week 4, we are expecting to begin work on developing our experiences using the ideas from Week 3. We want to explore the technology that is available to us and figure out whether or not said technology is viable. We also need to begin determining the specific mechanics and user experience that we want for each idea. 



