Week 7 Blog: ETC 1/2 Presentation

Before fall break

Hi everyone, this week is a busy week for us. We have our 1/2 presentation on Wednesday showing our progress for the first 7 weeks. Next week we will have fall break so we will see you after next week.

Half Presentation

Overall the presentation went really well. Most people can clearly understand the topic and what we are trying to achieve this semester so compared with ยผ walkarounds we have a lot of progress. Though we may still need to keep working on the history prototype because most of the faculties can understand the physics demo but because history one is currently a paper prototype so we need prototyping in Roblox Studio to prove the assessment can work under real circumstances. 

We also get some feedback and questions to think about after the break. During the Q & A session, Dave Culyba mentioned that they want to know how we optimized assessment in Roblox. The other feedback we got from the audience is about the assessment inside Roblox. We were also being asked by faculty and students how we are going to prevent players from just guessing their way through tasks. We are currently thinking of detecting the behavior of the player but we need more time for testing and planning.

Physics Demo Video (1/2s version)

We have updated our demo. Now the prototype has three rooms. The first two rooms are used to demonstrate the difference between rolling friction and friction. The third room combines the concepts in the first two rooms. We hope players can understand the friction during this prototype.

Client Meeting

For the Client Meeting, we talked about the history assessment demo with Peter. We got some good references for current Roblox Projects and some strategy games like civilization.

Follow up Meeting with ETC faculty after 1/2s

After 1/2s we meet with Jonathan, as a former history teacher and game designer he helped us with the history content and mechanics. 

We also have a short conversation with Mike for playtesting. The most important suggestion we get is that we can have only one theme tested during each session. Because we have two distinctive subjects people may be distracted during playtesting.

After Fall Break

Our next step is to have a more clear outline of the assessment document. We will include Context(Why we do this in Roblox), ECD model, and Case Study. On Oct.29th we will also have ETC playtest day so we will be working on the test plan and how exactly we should deal with the outcome of the testing result as an important part of our educational assessment. We will also keep polishing the experience including implementing History Prototype into Roblox. See you and have a wonderful break!