Our goal by this Thursday is to have all the white box for the four parkour sections and a new version of our first stage of the boss fight and the transition(player jump to the top) to our second boss section in the scene. We will also include a new stage design.
Our goal for this week is to have a complete walkthrough before the playtest day on Saturday.
Based on our observation for the playtest, we wanted to make the target point of the boss more prominent.
We planned to add arrows to indicate target points for Boss’s weak points. We also able to create a cinematic effect that we can force the player to look at a specific point and teleport them to another point.
We were able to create a white box for our platforming section:
It includes a piano section, drum section, string section, and an electronic music section.
We also able to make the transition jump pad of the drums from the first stage to the second stage of the boss fight.
We wanted to add glow sticks to the environment that to make it more of a concert feeling:
The glow sticks can be animated so that the guests can feel the passion from the audience seats.