This week we focuses on designing the boss, the stage, and designing the attacks
Notes we have received from SME:
Do not force yourself, see what UEFN is capable of.
Workflow for Layer sequence animation.
Experience that does not use the damage volume but indicate hit.
Notes we have discussed with our music composer:
Our music will be fixed in 120 BPM.
After ½ presentation, we will add how emotion our experience will trigger.
Two forms of our attacks:
Laser attack: Synth
Ground attack: Drum
We will have a main loop + Synth + Drum = 2min in total, 45s nonloop, 15s loop by this weekend
The Boss Model
We are almost finished with the rigging progress
We will be start doing animation next
The Stage
Here is an overview of our stage, the player will be flying above from the top to the bottom.