Week 3 – First Prototype of Full Tilt!

Quarters began this week, and since our turn is on Friday, we had a bit of time to build our paper prototype. We envisioned this prototype to be an example of what we plan to do, but not necessarily using all the tech needed. We used a projector, white board, physical plungers, and an example Unity project that showcased what we expected the game to look like. We were missing physical flippers and the connection between the digital world and the physical plungers, but the overall paper prototype helped us visualize what we could build.

Our feedback from halves was incredibly helpful, as most of the recommendations from faculty were aspects we were already thinking about. The biggest piece of advice was to make sure the tactile feel of pinball was still in our project, something we were thinking about as we were building the paper prototype. Additionally, faculty were mixed on the orientation of the board, and whether it should be closer to real pinball or different. Finally, we realized that there were some questions that we could not answer yet, such as where it would be installed. Ultimately, it would depend on the build and our external client (not ETC-12) will decide!


  • Figuring out our paper prototype
  • Figuring out how to combine digital and physical components

Next Week’s Goals

  • Start design process
  • Order materials
  • Establish the art theme