Week 12

On November 13th, we had Professor Ricardo and a guest, Paul, visiting our project. We discussed the innovative concept of piloting the ship using a ‘force control’ mechanism, which operates without a physical interface. The idea sparked interest in incorporating a ‘mind control’ aspect into the story, enhancing the immersive experience. Additionally, we deliberated on methods to train guests to use this system autonomously, without our direct intervention, ensuring they can navigate the experience independently.

On Wednesday, our producer had a meeting with our advisors Heather and Charles, and we reported Ricardo’s and Paul’s observations and feedback. We’ve updated our map and control-s, which now offer a much smoother navigation experience by eliminating abrupt turns. However, there is still a need to address the challenge of removing obstacles, as the current vest device only prompts the user to move in a straight line, which isn’t always possible or practical.

We also noted the integration of the user interface, particularly the GPS function, which requires further refinement to be fully operational.

The meeting also covered the onboarding video, which has a duration of 3 minutes and 21 seconds. We need to decide at which point in the user journey the guests will be introduced to the onboarding process. Moreover, it was determined that headphones will be necessary for participants to properly engage with the onboarding section, ensuring that there is no noise bleed between the onboarding and play area of our experience.

Here is a breakdown of the progress we made:


Harry and Sher kept refining the hand gesture and changed the scene package.

Art and UI:

Anton replaced the assets in the scene and now we have the abandoned earth and city feeling!


Thomas composed a dramatic and powerful score that perfectly matches the intense and grandiose theme of our game. It underscores the critical mission players undertake to gather “Qi” and subtly suggests the tumultuous storms and challenges they will face along their journey.

And that wraps up our week! Thanks for sticking with us, and we’ll catch up with you again next week!



