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Week 5 – Complete Experience Flow


This week we spent a lot of time on design and finally locked down a complete flow of our experience for two players.

Experience Breakdown

The game consists of 8 Steps

  1. Picking a prompt answering who’s in the scene, where are they and what is happening
  2. Designing a story
  3. Creating a 3D Background for the scene
  4. Picking Objects from the asset library
  5. Build 3D Scene by moving / rotating / resizing objects
  6. Add animation to objects through block coding
  7. adding dialog
  8. adding sound and changing camera position

UI Design

We also started designing the User Interface for our Main Menu, Below are some of the concepts.

After consulting with our instructors and clients, we decided to go with the orange / purple palette.

Our plan is to complete the first half of the experience before halves, including a working main menu, prompt picking phase and scene building phase.