1. Resources

We have added an option of Resources to the main menu bar of this site that links to the public Notion page of our project. We share more private information and development details about the team on this public page. You can find the development items, progress, and issues of the project for that week in the Weekly Schedule sub-page. The Technical Development sub-page contains a number of modular and class-based development summaries and experiences. In the References sub-page we share a lot of materials, stream medias, tutorials, source files, etc. that have been very helpful in our process of study and research. In the last section we plan to draft the official documentation of our procedural generation pipeline.


2. Development Pipeline

Earlier this week, we reclarified and organized the internal development pipeline. In fact, most of our work has been carried out in accordance with this logic and process. We reorganized and reached a consensus on it at this point in time in order to better manage and plan the project and schedule, make periodic summary, and timely adjust when problems occur.

(Please use the right mouse button to view the image in the new webpage, or save the original image to the local to view.)

3. Progress in Single Building

This is a step forward from last week’s testing only version of the single building. The roof and the main body part can now be combined in a more harmonious proportion, and can be controlled and adjusted simultaneously more flexibly. There is also a very preliminary version of the control of the number of layers, which makes it possible for single buildings to have more than one floor structure.

More hand-prefabricated modules were merged into the single building, such as dougong (bracket set) and columns. One of the most important points is to get all of these components exactly where they are. If there is a serious dislocation, there may be problems such as model insertion and suspension. For example, one problem we encountered was that the orientations of the dougong brackets did not match the roof they were supporting (all dougong brackets should face the side they support). Later we solved this problem by adjusting their relationships to the normal directions.

4. Preparing HDA of Simple Single Building for Testing

To minimize and quickly test the functionality and flow of the HDA import into Unreal Engine 5, we used last week’s simple single building version for testing. We analyzed and investigated some similar tool implementations, and we want an input panel that allows us to replace the placeholders with HDA directly.