Current Schedule
- 1/4 Walkarounds on Friday Feb 2
- Start to combine everyone’s design idea into 1 final version
- Start to prepare the presentation for 1/4 walkarounds
- Need to finished the final version of design document
Project Summary
Every designer’s design document and idea has been iterated and the goal for this week is combine the ideas.
What Went Well
- Team logo and Poster design drafts are complete
- Final design document and ideas are combined and completed
- Presentation are clear and got a lot of useful feedback from faculty
Issues For Support
- Need to iterate some details for design choices
- Scale of the environment inside human body
- Think about visual guidance for players
- Decision making for the gameplay such as priority of different organs
- How many mistakes can players make before the failure
- What is the rewarding for driving slow
- Need to start making prototype ASAP next week
Design Update
Theme confirmed
Our theme is players control a nanorobotic vehicle driving inside the human body.
Core mechanics
Tech Update
- Programmers start to set up the project in Unreal
- P4V version control set up complete