Current Schedule
- Get feedback from playtest day
- Soft Opening is next Monday on 4/15
- Need to implement the tutorial scene, start scene and game finish scene
- Artist need to finish the starting scene’s assets: TV broadcast
Project Summary
The feedback from playtest is mainly about the control scheme and idea of the game are unique. Also, players are enjoy the game.
No serious bugs appear during playtest.
What Went Well
- Experience and idea of the game are unique
- The visual effects are fantasy
- Players satisfied with absorbing the white blood cells and shoot to the virus
Issues For Support
- Control scheme is hard and players need to practice before they start the game
- We need voice over for the narrative
- Shifter is too sensitive
Programming Update
The start UI is implemented and works good.
Add a setting page in the game because we want players can adjust the sensitivity of the steering wheel and shifter.
Art Update
All the UI assets are finished.