[Week 3] 1/4 workarounds

In this week, we went though the 1/4 walkaround, and got lots of useful and insightful suggestion and inspirations from faculty. We used FigJam to sort all of the feedback, and made a team meeting to decide what we should do in next few weeks.

Quarter’s Feedback Management

Because we just realized that we won’t have Formation Venture as our client any more, we made a list of what we might to do for this project, and express our preference to Jessica in the Tuesday’s meeting.

Meeting Agenda with Jessica

In the instructor’s regular meeting, we discussed about our proposals. Jessica let us to do a timeline of ETC feedback in the 2 educating years as an assignment, and recommended us to divide ourselves to 3 groups for 3 different question-oriented directions for ideation.

Jessica’s sketch
3 Questions and group division
  • How might we build a culture where peer feedback is fostered, welcomed, and valued?
  • How might we build a culture where peer feedback is fostered, welcomed, and valued?
  • How might we build a culture where peer feedback is fostered, welcomed, and valued?

We discussed together about the timeline in our project room at Thursday. We also had a dinner together at Cobra as the team bonding activity that evening!

Scanned Journey Map on the white board