Week 6 Run! – February 23rd, 2024


This is Week SIX! Team Flow is sprinting to the middle checkpoint. 

Week 6 = Refine (before halves) + Demo

Updates from Art team:

(FireAmount = 1) (FireAmount = 0)

[Fire VFX: the amount of fire can be controlled by User Parameters – FireAmount (range 0-1)]

Summer – Raining
Summer – After Rain

[Scene 2 greybox]

[Scene 5 concept art for main interactions design]


Feedback & Ideas from demo:


  • Think about where/when the story begins, plan out where the story should end — everything comes back to a loop?
  • Think about space: when the guests look around, there is nothing much happening in other parts of the screen, (maybe add waterfall, tree swaying, animals in the woods, leaves falling) add some more vividness into the world
  • Be mindful about the focus point for guests, indirect controlling where they should look at for certain points
  • The guests need direct feedback for doing the correct interaction
  • Spatial sound
    • A Cue to guide the guests 
    • Be careful of the curvy screen, the sound is collected and reflected
  • Create a Particles VFX= spirits of nature, guiding the guests’ visual attention, moving across the frame. (The guests don’t necessarily need to be assigned to a specific spirit of nature, the point that really matters is the Magic.)
  • Love the overall style! Love the cave art!
  • Regarding focus point: think about film, telling visual story, dim down the light, have the lighting focus on the “show” part.

Sc1 Cave Art

  • The background story of the temple cave art needs to be clearly stated to the guests 
  • Figure out the mechanics of lighting up the spirits in the beginning, maybe hide the deer at first and revel it eventually in the end of the first scene
  • Think about the teaching & learning process for the guests to absorb, own the learning process. Develop a system, later just put the tasks in for the guests to interact and to succeed.
    • Maybe instead of physical lantern, use hands to interact 
    • Maybe have a host + lead the guests into this world 
  • Maybe place some unlit candles near the interactable elements and let the guests light them up with their hands

Sc3 interactions

  • Consider the role of the guests: Passive watcher/ Potential helper/ Save the world
  • Think about the relationship between the dancer, the deer, and the guests 
  • Make the guests feel that dancer & the deer need them 
  • Interest curve: Change the motion overtime, Gradually getting intense? 
  • Consider between using physical props throughout the experience, or teaching the guests to use their arms movements to interact with the world
  • If the dancer is asking help from the guests to “light the candle”, “stop the rain”, etc.
  • Layout design: add some waterfall in the mid-ground, adding a temple in the background
    • The two trees & bushes acting as dividers work really well
  • Add visual guidance to direct the focus trail for the guests to look at in this world
  • Have the lantern emit a certain color, that is associated with the KEY object that we want the guests to focus on and interact with, the same color as the outline for the tree/ clouds.

“People coming in willing to BELIEVE.”

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Plan for Next Week 

  • ½ Check point 
    • Art
    • Tech
    • Sound 
  • Playtesting & Demo w/ reflections
    • Faculty (9)
    • Special guests (XRTC, Middle school)
  • ½ Reflection