Week 8 Catching & Capturing! – March 15th, 2024


“Start, T-pose, dance, T-pose, cut.” 

Coming back from spring break, Team Flow went back in full production mode! 

We had our motion capture 2.0 done! 

(Take a peek from the future👀)

Reflecting from the first motion capture experience as well as the outcome of data application in the actual scenes, we’ve made several adjustments to improve the performance.

  • Start with T-pose and end with T-pose (helpful for data application)
  • Divide the dance/ choreography into several segments, record several times with different combination (helps with data application & gameplay design) 
  • Adding more vividness as well as movements that are more related to real life rather than pure dance movements (adding more to the story, have more interactions between the deer and the dancer)

Interaction & Move List 

  • Scene 2 【Saving the deer】1min
    • S2_Intro
    • S2_Main dance
  • Scene 3
    • S3_Level1_Intro 
    • S3_Level1_Outro 
    • S3_Level1_Interaction (repeat 3-5 times)
    • S3_Level2_Intro 
    • S3_Level2_Outro 
    • S3_Level2_Interaction (repeat 3-5 times)
    • S3_Level3_Intro 
    • S3_Level3_Outro 
    • S3_Level3_Interaction (repeat 3-5 times)
    • S6_Celebration (two interactions repeat 3-5 times)

Tips for Motion Capture preparation:

  • Costume needs to be as tight as possible so that all the attached markers on the dancer’s body shift the minimum amount which could cause trouble in the future data processing. 
  • Make a movement list and plan ahead!
  • Utilize any prop (mocap-friendly) that could help you imagine and dance~
  • Keep the effective space in mind, don’t exceed the capture range.
  • Keep a mocap log while capturing for future notes reference. 
  • Always check back the recording before moving on to the next shot. 

Besides the motion capture updates, Team Flow also met to make reflections and plans onward based on the halves feedback from faculty members. We’ve designed possible approaches for the cutscene as well as the overall intuitive interactions. 

(One long scroll slowing open up, showing one frame at a time)

Possible approaches for Intuitive Interaction:

  • Hand tracking particle effect
  • Dancer’s hands w/ particle effect turns on when it is able to interact with
  • Outline of the interactable object 
  • Positive visual feedback
  • SFX: change the state of the music 
    • Positive sound feedback 

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

Plan for Next Week 

  1. Scene 5 & 6 check point
  2. Adjust the color of deer outline 
  3. Model herb flower
  4. Mocap refine
  5. Scene 4 camera placement for 5 keyframes