Category: Blog

  • Week 5 Polish! – February 16th, 2024

    (2.12-2.16) In week five, we continued our full-production mode. On the first day of this week, we made alignments regarding both artistic and logistic aspects.  Artists had come up with a list of 3D assets with individual assignments as well as priority, including the 3D models in Scene 3 (tutorial), several 2D works containing textures…

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  • Week 4 Create! – February 9th, 2024

    (2.5-2.9) With the progress check of ¼ walkaround presentation, now it is the time to reflect and reboot. Team Flow has scheduled follow-up meetings with faculty members, wishing to construct deeper conversations with closer details.  On Monday, Team Flow sat down with Faculty Shirley Saldamarco and had a detailed conversation talking about the “Pre-show” of…

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  • Week 3 Demo! – February 2nd, 2024

    (1.29-2.2) On the first day of week three, we reported our ¼ progress with a presentation and a live demo. The team gathered and made reflections right after the presentation, coming up with the overall project timeline as well as specific tasks within this week.   Clothing Simulation Test with Motion Capture Data Applied The team…

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  • Week 2 Mocap! – January 26th, 2024

    (1.22-1.26) In the second week, Team Flow started transitioning from pre-production to production stage.  The entire team went to the main campus and visited the motion capture lab. We soon scheduled our first motion capture on Friday!  Motion capture workflow test- first try~ During the week, we attended the Playtest workshop. The composition box really…

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  • Week 1 Action! – January 19th, 2024

    Week 1 Action! – January 19th, 2024

    In the first week, Team Flow gathered together to make alignment on our project objectives as well as arranged meetings with faculty members.  Flow is an interactive immersive experience that leads the guests into a traditional Chinese folklore through dance, light, and music. It paints the traditional Chinese folk tales through the combination of digital…

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