Week 2 Mocap! – January 26th, 2024


In the second week, Team Flow started transitioning from pre-production to production stage. 

The entire team went to the main campus and visited the motion capture lab. We soon scheduled our first motion capture on Friday! 

Motion capture workflow test- first try~

During the week, we attended the Playtest workshop. The composition box really helped us to sit down as a team, mapping out the overall scope and timeline of our project. We also raised a question to the audience that, “how does the guest wish to interact with the world of Flow?” We were surprised by getting a certain amount of the same answer as “getting a brush to complete the painting.” Thus, during our level design brainstorming, as we planned out the entire storyline scene by scene, listed possible interactions, with basic storyboards as visual reference; we were also trying to increase the level of engagement as much as possible, while staying intuitive.  

Meanwhile, our talented art team never stops testing out all the possible shaders for creating a style of watercolor and providing a sense of traditional Chinese painting. 

Concept Art

  • Plan for Next Week

Discussion about level design

-Specific interactions in scene 2

-Storyboard of scene 2 layout