Week 3 Demo! – February 2nd, 2024


On the first day of week three, we reported our ¼ progress with a presentation and a live demo. The team gathered and made reflections right after the presentation, coming up with the overall project timeline as well as specific tasks within this week.  

Clothing Simulation Test with Motion Capture Data Applied

The team resumed production mode.

Scene 3 storyboard




With the strong visual support from our artists coming up with a set of storyboards, we were able to design the specific interactions happening in scene 3. 

(Mountain and Rock procedural generator created)

Team Logo Design (Version 1.0)

On Friday, Team Flow had a ¼ walkaround-follow-up conversation with Faculty Heather Kelley regarding the interactions with physical props, as well as the virtual interactions with the detected input from Kinects. During the conversation, we were inspired by the aspect of utilizing sound as a reinforcement for positive feedback. We believe that it would be a better choice of providing good feedback for the correct movement rather than giving both good and bad feedback to the guests. 

Later on the same day, we were able to test out the spatial audio system in Cavern.

  • Plan for Next Week

-Level design (fix)

-Motion capture data (demo) apply 

-Character sequencer 

-Install Kinects in cavern 

-Scene 3 (tutorial) world building

-Choreography for scene 2

-Sound resources