Week 4 Create! – February 9th, 2024


With the progress check of ¼ walkaround presentation, now it is the time to reflect and reboot. Team Flow has scheduled follow-up meetings with faculty members, wishing to construct deeper conversations with closer details. 

On Monday, Team Flow sat down with Faculty Shirley Saldamarco and had a detailed conversation talking about the “Pre-show” of this immersive experience. 

(“pre-show”: cave art-scene 2)

Questions to ask ourselves when designing the guests experience:

  • How does the guest know the story? Why are they here? 
  • Backstory: Who are they? What is the Goal? 
  • What do we want the guest to do? How do they do it?

(a playtest with stereo glasses in Cavern)

“People go there wanting to believe.” Thus, it is crucial for us as the experience designers, to create the world for people to be fully engaged with. To depict a world that is different from reality, but has its own clock that keeps ticking. 

With the feedback and suggestions from the faculty team, we made reflections and detailed tasks list during our level design meeting. 

We have been testing the motion capture data on a meta human in Unreal Engine. And our artist has the totem designed for the dancer silhouette. We also previewed in Cavern with watercolor shader and  particle effects added in.

  • Work in Progress


-Volumetric Fog

-Fixing the problem of Ink Shader in Cavern


Interaction prototype tutorial scene

    – State changing between season and interactions

    – Growing tree

    – Moving cloud

  • Plan for Next Week


-Complete illustration/ cave art for scene #1

-Cloud assets (2D)

-Wind VFX

-Leaves texture & Ground texture

-Deer Totem

-Half Sheet


Interaction prototype tutorial scene

-Raising fire

-Blowing wind


-Choreography for scene 2