BLOGS Week 1 Initial Project Ideation Week 2 Prototyping Initial Game Demo and Concept Development Week 3 Quarters Presentation and Visiting Xpogo Week 4 Starting on Project Production Week 5 First Playtest Night; Continue on Tutorial Level Development Week 6 Second Playtest Night; Tutorial Level Polish; Game Design update Week 7 Half Presentation! Week 8 Post Half Presentation Production; Game Narrative Update; Main Level Block-in Week 9 Third Playtest Night; Gameplay and Main Level Update Week 10 Middle School Student Playtest; Saturday ETC Playtest Day Week 11 Update from Playtest Feedback; High School Student Playtest Week 12 Fourth Playtest Night; Prepare for Soft Opening Week 13 Soft Opening; Playtesting with Will Week 14 Final Stretch and Festival! Final Week Final Presentation and Reflections