Week 3


During Week 3, we dove deeper into the details of our project. We refined our project goal to ensure it was sharp and well-defined. Engaging dialogues with our clients brought into focus the nuances of domain concepts, narrative structures, and character development. The interview sessions with Chris and Jesse offered invaluable insights, enriching our approach. Amidst this, We finished our ¼ presentation. Additionally, we proudly finalized our team logo.

Project Goal

Our overarching goal is clear: “We want neurotypicals to gain better understanding and empathy towards autistic people in the workspace and be their allies!” 

To truly drive this message home, we’ve chosen to spotlight the subtle yet pervasive micro-aggressions and micro-discriminations that autistic individuals often confront in the workplace. By shedding light on these nuanced experiences, we aim to evoke a powerful sense of empathy and comprehension from neurotypicals. Our hope is that by walking a mile in their shoes, even if only virtually, a lasting positive change in perceptions and interactions will be cultivated.


Following our 1/4 presentation, we received valuable feedback from ETC faculty. To dive deeper into the topic, we interviewed two faculty members who had firsthand experiences with autistic individuals. Through these discussions, we learned more about the interactions between neurotypicals and autistic individuals. The communication gap was even bigger than we initially thought. While we aim high, we also understood that addressing every single conflict might be too ambitious. These interviews have strengthened our approach, helping us focus on the main issues with care and understanding.

Design Productions

Our team logo consists of 5 simple shapes. The simple shapes mimic the character design in our game, which are abstract to avoid showing sensitive issues that don’t relate to the topic such as gender/age/body-shape. The number of 5 indicates workplaces usually have a lot of people. It also represents 5 of us in the team.