Week 11


This week marked a significant stride as we dedicated our efforts to the finalization and integration of Episode 2 into our evolving prototype. Episode 2 not only contributes compelling narratives but also introduces interactions intricately woven into the transformative structure. This deliberate design aims to facilitate players in grasping the essence of the experience, fostering empathy towards individuals with autism.


The narrative for Episode 2 was refined and ready to be integrated into the Unity. Notably, we are crafting a dynamic experience for players, featuring three distinct endings. Each conclusion is contingent on the choices made throughout the narrative, offering a spectrum of outcomes ranging from positive to negative.


In the artistic realm, our team has made strides in developing animations that will bring Episode 2 to life. These animations include nuanced expressions such as fidgeting fingers, expressions of worry, squinting, and the subtle act of rubbing eyes, which is currently in progress, promising to add a layer of visual richness to the overall experience.


The UI development for Episode 2 include the interface for agenda-making and work distribution interaction, both playing pivotal roles in this episode. Additionally, the Learning panel has also undergone updates, serving as reflection and learning space in tying together the overall player experience with the transformational structure.


The programming efforts this week have been multifaceted. A Save & Load system has been implemented, ensuring players can seamlessly resume their progress. The agenda-making interaction adds depth to the gameplay, providing a dynamic element for players to engage with. The inclusion of a curtain interaction and the setup of a discussion room meeting, complete with interactive elements like turning on the TV and displaying papers on the table, elevates the overall gaming experience. NPC position holders have been fine-tuned for added realism, and a version control system ensures the stability and coherence of the evolving prototype. These programming advancements collectively contribute to a more immersive and polished gaming experience.